Harmony & Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan Singing Bowls for Meditation Port MoodyHarmony Meditation
with Tibetan Singing Bowls

Our thoughts are harmonious when they flow gently and clearly, and they are then released through our emotions, and ideas as words, spoken, written or sung.   When we are harmonious we experience unity and connection.  We are in agreement and friendly. Where there is harmony there is trust, contentment, and loving kindness.

About Tibetan Singing Bowls – Listen to Tibetan Singing Bowls

Made in the Himalayas, singing bowls are traditionally used by Tibetan Monks for meditation.  Its sound vibration creates a sacred space (“Om” mantra) and is used at the beginning and the end of meditation to ground your energy.  The sound may assist in tuning your energy as in sound therapy. The vibration is created by applying the striker to the bowl.  They may also be “sung” by rubbing the striker (cloth covered or wood) around the outside rim of the bowl.  The pressure that you use to apply the wand onto the rim of the bowl will affect the sounds the bowl produces, as also will the speed with which you rotate the wand. You will notice that most bowls produce more than one, and up to five, tones (Om’s simultaneously or at different intervals). The tones will be felt at alternate places in the body as the sound does an “inner massage”.  Low tones will generally be felt at the base chakras and higher tones will move up the body.

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