Insights: Centered Awareness PRESENCE

Do you have excessive thoughts which results in losing sleep and missing out on the joy of Presence?

With an over active mind there is a tendency to be consumed by thoughts creating anxiety and preventing experiencing the present moment.

You cannot stop your thoughts. It is impossible not to have thoughts because the mind is designed to think. But it is possible to witness your thoughts without becoming them, or being consumed by them.

The very structure of how we think is linked to hundreds of years of conditioning, and conditioned thinking leads us to live by that same conditioning. When we are awakened we recognize our thoughts as conditioned thinking, and we can now witness those thoughts.

When we are awakened and realize we are more than our thoughts, and we find ourselves experiencing the present moment.

Discover how to be centered in PRESENCE…. the place which precedes thoughts at this week’s Classes for Mindful Living, both meditation and yoga classes.

Article by Regina Kaiser

Posted in Blog | Insights.