Awakening Presence

The very structure of how we think is linked to hundreds of years of conditioning.   When we are awakened we recognize our thoughts as conditioned thinking.   We become the witness to those thoughts.  Conditioned thinking leads us to live by that same conditioning .

When we are locked in a way of being (conditioning), we close ourselves off from the infinite and undefinable universal energy.

When we  become lost in the conditioning of self-righteousness, where the voice in our head tells us who we are  and what we want, we are able to blossoming naturally. Rather we are locked in a perceived structure, a box, of what we believe is truth.

If we are lost to this conditioning we are not aware of the voice in the head.  When we are awakened we observe the thoughts in the head as part of our human experience and the voice we hear is that of spirit.  In some way we have discovered we hold the key to unlocking a new beginning.   Instead of asking ourselves what do I want,  we now ask ourselves what are we putting out to the world, and what purpose does life have for me?

Many people only hear their thoughts and are lost in them.  This is chaotic, creating anxiety and stress as we try to identify what we want, setting goals and striving to change.  We strive to become, rather than be.  When we sit in stillness and silence we touch into the essence of who we are as a spirit having a human experience, slowing shedding the layers of perceived reality – and this can happen quickly when we are in the present moment of consciousness.

In stillness we become alert in life to experience the present moment with peace.  We take responsibility for shifting our perspective to that of witnessing our thoughts, noticing what our mind and thoughts are doing, and the effect it has on others.   We are awakened and present to experience living life with choice that is nurtured by spirit, not ego.

  • You are not your thought processes.
  • Slow down, notice how you react to everyday situations.
  • Observe your experience with new found peace and consciousness. Allow the unobserved mind and thoughts to dissolve.
  • Be the stillness and tune into the freshness and aliveness of life.

By  Regina Kaiser

Posted in Blog | Insights.