Intuitive Nudges

Intuitive Nudges

Insights: Intuitive Nudges

Do you ever get intuitive nudges to do or say something? It seems to come from deep inside you.

That’s your intuition! And yes, everyone is intuitive.

What Interferes with your Intuition?

The body, mind and emotions can drown out intuition.

Your body is affected by its environment, taking in sound, temperature, and observing everything around.  It can be very distracting.

Your mind forms thoughts that create feelings that drown out intuition. These make it hard to listen to your intuitive self.  Yet at your core you are witnessing everything as spirit first.

Your intuition gives you subtle nudges throughout the day. It comes from deep within you and may be interpreted as a gut feeling or instinct. Once you are quiet you can hear the voice of your intuition more clearly. You can differentiate what you really want from what you think you want. Is it Fear or Intuition? 

How to Nurture Your Intuition

Everyone can learn to develop their intuition. Start by practicing silence every day to access your intuitive messages. Create a space where you can regularly separate yourself from external or emotional distractions. Practice, practice and practice.

Pay attention to your inner voice, to the nudges you receive. Intuition comes from spirit, your inner voice.

Ready to Develop your Intuition ?

If you want to develop your intuition more, consider adding a conscious meditation practice to your daily life.

By entering the silence and receiving guided support you are less likely to be distracted by thoughts and feelings that keep you from hearing your intuitive messages.

~ Regina Kaiser


Posted in Blog | Insights.

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